KARL O'BRIEN - Dublin Camogie Chairperson
The work rate put in by this man for Dublin Camogie is incredible.
He never stops. We have all witnessed us going from some supporters at matches to full houses during our Adult Championships this year, and that's only a tiny piece of the changes he has made.
And.... behind every good Man there is a very strong woman, thank you Angie (and Saoirse) for letting Dublin Camogie have so much of your family time.
Of course Karl has a group of people behind the scenes, executive, committees etc but to be honest Dublin Camogie is gone so big Karl could really do with your help. Please contact Karl or any member of the executive or e mail secretary.dublin@camogie.ie if you could give an hour a week to help out in the different sections.
See Link for Info to help https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScenKIRtLMAp0NxAcP_SXo46a_AxOLyNRotQYfRecFRcDjisw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&fbclid=IwAR3IaqzTLMFk2aaTEn04UAXJqiSSz_Rsgk3yFAT72-vO2a-8BDxaaEkWxY8